Companies & Organizations


Learn how to build sustainable and cooperative relationships

We offer custom-designed trainings for private firms, public agencies, organizations and educational institutions in communications and relationship management based on trust and clarity.

Nonviolent Communication NVC © is a pragmatic and effective communication process which supports you in expressing yourself clearly and coherently, while remaining open to understanding your conversation partner. This approach promotes cooperation and conflict resolution.
It is a process that will help you enrich and amplify other professional administrative and communication tools you might be already using. NVC is taught and applied in many institutions, such as social agencies, schools, universities, learning facilities, government agencies, hospitals and private companies, etc.

The approach alternates between theory and practice with emphasis on the practical part. The focus will be on situations introduced by participants.

In professional environments, NVC helps to significantly improve the working atmosphere and thus to increase the joint potential.

We look forward to your inquiry!

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