Nonviolent Communication Berlin * HOME

Welcome to Conflict School Berlin!

Wouldn’t you like to be able to handle conflicts differently and with less drama?

Wouldn’t it be great to get along better with the people close to you?

Whenever there’s more than one person involved, sooner or later conflicts will arise.  It happens in relationships, with friends and family, or at work.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) by Marshall B. Rosenberg is an approach to deal with conflicts. It does not involve becoming a nicer person – or forcing others to become nicer people. NVC is about how to be able to maintain a sincere and appreciative connection with yourself and others, even if the circumstances may be challenging.

Trainings in Nonviolent Communication

We offer trainings in and around Berlin for individuals and corporations, in German and in English. Also, we blog about our daily experiences with conflicts in our own lives and how NVC helps us deal with them.

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